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Week five SUSP workshop

Last week's workshop focused on Sharing Research Results with Broad Audiences. At this workshop we talked about creating a presentation based on the type of audience being addressed. We started by learning about Steve Schneider's three commandments of communicating your scholarship.

1. Know thy audience

2. Know thy self

3. Know thy stuff

(The slide shown here was created by Dr. Kameko Halfmann and Dr. Doug Selent)

Throughout four rounds, we each met with other SUSP members and presented our "spiel" for our current research project to one of the following three audience types:

1. Other people in your field with general knowledge

2. General Public (can specify further)

3. Policy makers and/or administrators

Our partners for each round then evaluated how we presented to the mock audience and provided feedback. This was a very beneficial workshop, especially since Wisconsin Science and Technology Symposium (WSTS) and SUSP presentations are quickly approaching.

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